Flour Price Increase in Punjab: Latest Updates

The price of flour in Punjab has seen a significant rise in recent weeks. The cost of 10 kg and 20 kg bags has gone up, leaving consumers concerned about their monthly budgets. The main reason behind this price hike is the shortage of wheat supplies. The Punjab Flour Mills Association has stated that the shortage of wheat has forced them to increase the price of flour, as they are not receiving the required amount of wheat to keep up with the demand.

Program NameFlour Price Hike in Punjab
Flour PriceRs 1,850 for 20 kg
Start DateJuly 2024
Launched ByGovernment of Pakistan

Reason for the Price Hike

The main reason for the increase in flour prices is the shortage of wheat in Punjab. The Chairman of the Punjab Flour Mills Association mentioned that due to the lack of supply, mills have had to increase prices. In the past two weeks, the price of flour has gone up by Rs 300. This price increase is also tied to issues with the subsidies provided to flour mills. The mills have not been receiving enough wheat to meet their needs, causing them to pass the cost onto the consumers. The five biggest flour mills in Punjab, which supply a large part of the market, have also raised their prices. As a result, local markets are selling flour at much higher prices, affecting consumers everywhere.

Impact on Consumers

The rise in flour prices is affecting households across Punjab, especially those with limited income. The price of basic food items made from flour, such as bread and chapati, has gone up as well. This price hike is creating a strain on families, as flour is an essential part of the daily diet. The situation may improve if the government is able to resolve the wheat shortage and increase subsidies for mills, but for now, families are struggling to adjust to the higher prices.

  • Flour is a basic necessity for all families.
  • Low-income households are feeling the most pressure.
  • Prices of bread, chapati, and other items have increased.
  • Without addressing the wheat shortage, prices may rise further.

Will Prices Keep Increasing?

The future of flour prices in Punjab largely depends on how the government handles the wheat shortage. If the government is able to provide more wheat to the flour mills or increase subsidies, there is a chance that prices will stabilize. However, if the wheat shortage continues or worsens, the price of flour may continue to rise. Consumers are hoping that the government will take quick action to prevent further increases. Until then, it is important to stay informed about any new changes in flour prices.

Government Response to the Flour Crisis

The government has promised to address the rising prices of flour in Punjab. Officials have stated that they are working on providing more wheat to the flour mills and improving the subsidy system. However, as of now, no concrete steps have been taken, and the prices continue to be high. The government’s goal is to ensure that wheat is available in sufficient quantities to bring the price of flour down. Until then, households in Punjab will have to continue facing the higher costs.


The flour price hike in Punjab is causing financial difficulties for many families, especially those with low income. While the government has acknowledged the issue and promised to take action, there has been no immediate relief. Until the wheat shortage is addressed, the high prices of flour will continue to impact consumers across the province. It is important for households to stay updated on the latest changes in prices and monitor government actions closely to understand when relief might come.

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1. Why did the price of flour rise in Punjab?
The price of flour in Punjab increased because there is a shortage of wheat, which has led flour mills to raise prices due to supply issues.

2. Will the flour prices go down soon?
The price may go down if the government can solve the wheat shortage by providing more wheat to mills or increasing subsidies, but for now, the prices remain high.

3. Can we expect more price increases in the future?
It depends on the government’s actions. If they can handle the wheat shortage, the prices may stabilize. If not, the prices could continue to rise.

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